Fluid Desires
,NEST (The Netherlands)
24.01.2020 - 22.03.2020
Fluid Desires
group exhibition with Hicham Berrada, Mimosa Echard, Inge van Genuchten, Marie Maillard, Shanta Rao, Jérôme Robbe, Maya Rochat, Leonid Tsvetkov
Guest curator: Nanda Janssen
Today’s world can be experienced as very fluid. Nothing is fixed, everything is in motion. Through scientific discoveries and new insights, concepts that had been carved in stone for decades, have now started to flow. Notions like time, space, reality, nature, the object, human and the object-man relation.
This hybrid, unstable world serves as a point of departure for the artists in ‘Fluid Desires’. Post-apocalyptic cocktails and works of art with a liquid allure zoom in on blurring boundaries between organic and inorganic, natural and synthetic, living and non-living. Their understanding of the world is through matter.
The artworks do not use symbols or metaphors, nor do they depict anything; on the contrary, they just are. These explosions of color, texture, and slipperiness, are related in aesthetics. Throughout the exhibition, the concept of contagion is recurrent. Contamination as a marker for meanings that mix, images that merge and ideas that influence each other. Because it fantasises about the future, sometimes ‘Fluid Desires’ has science-fiction-like traits.
photo ©_Charlott_Markus